General Announcements
*Over the weekend the Arapahoe Climbing team competed in their Regional Championship. Congratulations to Karson Hilgert and Jiro Moriyama for earning invitations to the State Championship Competition!
*Warriors! EPIC and ACC reps will be on campus TODAY and again on Tuesday February 11th, during lunches in the Cafeteria to answer all your questions about enrolling in CE courses for next year. Stop by and see them if you need help scheduling CE and EPIC classes!
*Warriors - did you know we have FREE math tutoring at Arapahoe? National Honor Society students are in the library most hours of the day, every day, waiting to help you with math. You can drop into the library during your lunch or unscheduled hour and get help with math.
*Congratulations to your Arapahoe Warriors Girls Swimming and Diving team who hosted the Centennial A-League Championships over the weekend. The team proudly finished in a strong second place and qualified four new individuals to the state meet. Those four will be joining the 13 swimmers & divers who were already qualified, on Thursday and Friday at the 5A CHSAA State Championships in Thornton. Good luck to our Warriors! Swim fast and have fun!
Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details.
Warriors always take care of one another!