Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

 General Announcements

*Warrior Week shirts will be sold ALL WEEK in the library. Please help support Joel by purchasing a shirt! 

*Seniors - Herff Jones will be here TODAY from 10:00am - noon in  the bubble to deliver graduation announcements that were ordered in the fall.  Don't forget to stop by and pick them up.

*Warrior Week has begun!  Get ready to support GREAT week of events & activities that help our Wish Kid - Joel.  

  • Warriors, you’re lookin’ great in your PJ’s - eat at Garlic Knot TONIGHT 3:00pm-8:00pm - 5120 E Arapahoe Rd - make sure to tell them you’re with AHS

    • Come cheer on your favorite Pickleball team in the AHS Pickleball Tournament - TONIGHT at 7:00pm in the main gym 

  • Wednesday - dress up in Tropical attire - join us for Disney Trivia during both lunches

    • make a trip to Yogurtland anytime ALL DAY - 20% of all proceeds go to Make-a-Wish - mention you’re from AHS at checkout

    • get dinner from Canes - 4:00pm-9:00pm in Highlands Ranch - mention you’re from AHS at checkout

  • Thursday - Jersey Day - join us at the Staff/Seniors Basketball Game at 7:00pm in the main gym, tickets are $5

    • get dinner at Noodles and Company - 4:00pm-8:00pm - 25% goes to Make-a-Wish, tell them you’re from AHS when ordering 

Check each day for more Warrior Week announcements!

*If you're interested in attending Metro Denver after graduation, our local Admissions Rep will be in the Postsecondary Center today at 11:45am to answer all your questions! Log in to Scoir and register and a pass will be delivered to you if you'll be missing class. See Ms. Conn in Room S1401 for more information.

*Warriors, join us for College Night, Monday, March 3rd, 6:30pm-8:30pm in the theater and cafeteria. We’re hosting a "fireside chat"  style Admissions Panel, followed by a mini college fair -- a format that received great feedback last year! Sophomore and junior students and their families are the primary audience, but all are welcome.


*The Girls Lacrosse team is looking for new players!  If you're interested in joining, no experience necessary, please inquire with Ms. Collins in Language Arts.  Our season starts with practice TONIGHT and Wednesday at the South Suburban Sports Dome, 6:00pm - 8:00pm.

*Congratulations to your Varsity Boys Basketball team for their wins in the final round of the Centennial League Tournament.  The Varsity team finished the regular season with a record of 17 and 6  and secured the 12th seed in the 6A Basketball Playoffs! They will host a HOME Playoff Game this Friday for the first time in over 10 years! They will need the whole tribe out to cheer them on against Doherty at 7:00pm in Sitting Eagle Gymnasium.  GOOOOO WARRIORS! 

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!