Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

 General Announcements

*Hey Warriors -  grab your friends, your club OR your team and sign up to have a booth at our Wish Week Carnival on February 28th.  It’s a fun way to be part of  Warrior week and make this event AMAZING for Joel.  To sign up find one of our posters in the school and scan the QR code OR see Ms. Romero in the Library.

*Warriors! EPIC and ACC reps will be on campus TODAY during lunches in the Cafeteria to answer all your questions about enrolling in CE courses for next year.  Stop by and see them if you need help scheduling CE and EPIC classes!

*Seniors: Are you planning to major or minor in art or music at any post-secondary institution in Colorado? Apply for The Dorian De Long Arts & Music Scholarship by March 1st for a chance to find yourself up to $2500 richer!

*Warriors - looking for something fun to do this Valentine's season? Come see the AWVM’s Valentines Cabaret on Thursday, February 13th @ 7:30pm in the theater.  This concert includes performances from Singers, Crescendos, Concert Choir, Men’s Ensemble, Chorale, SoPal and more! The best part is that it’s FREE!  Come hear some FABULOUS music and support your fellow warriors!

*FBLA Warriors - join us this Thursday after school in the Forum for an exciting FBLA meeting! We'll be diving into details about the FBLA State Competition, upcoming community service opportunities, and of course, enjoying some Valentine’s-themed treats! Your rating sheets from districts will be available at this meeting and the Friday morning after.

*Calling All Pickleballers📣 Sign up to play in our Warrior Week Pickleball Tournament on Tuesday, February 25th, 7:00pm-8:30pm. Teams of 2 will compete against each other to claim the title AHS Pickleball Champions and win Cane’s gift cards.  $5 per person entry fee.  All proceeds will go towards our Wish Kid, Joel.  Scan the QR code on flyers throughout the school or on these announcements to SIGN UP!


*If you want to play Girls Golf this spring, make sure you attend the Player/Parent Pre-Season Golf Meeting TONIGHT at 5:30pm in the Forum.  See Coach Riordan in the World Language Office if you have any questions.

*Congratulations to the Varsity Cheerleading team for their successful week at the National High School Cheerleading Competition in Orlando, Florida! The team made it through 3 rounds of competition making finals for the first time in 10 years! This competition is the most difficult and large competition to compete in and the athletes finished 23rd out of 112 teams! Make sure to congratulate a cheerleader today for their success! Roll Tribe!

*The Girls Lacrosse team is looking for new players!  If you're interested in joining, no experience necessary, please inquire with Ms. Collins in Language Arts and make sure to register online through the Arapahoe Athletic website.  Our season starts February. 24th!

*Warriors - join the LPS Boys Volleyball team for the last open gym TONIGHT in the aux gym from 8:00pm-10:00pm.  This is the last open gym before tryouts next week February 17th-20th.  

*Warriors - Arapahoe Boys Lacrosse tryouts are right around the corner!  Come be part of this championship program as they gear up to take another run at the State Title this Spring.  Join us at Pre-tryout Camp beginning this week February 10-14th & February 17- 20th, 8:00pm-10:00pm on the AHS Turf.  Official Tryouts are February 24th-26th, 8:00pm-10:00pm on the AHS Turf. All tryouts details found AHS Boys Lacrosse. Please reach out with any questions to Coach Bobzien at lbobzien@lps.k12.co.us.  

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!