Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

General Announcements

*Hey Warriors - our Warrior Week starts this Friday when we get to meet our Wish Kid, Joel at our Warrior Week Assembly.  Make sure and buy a Warrior Week t-shirt on sale during both lunches this week in the cafeteria to wear to the assembly.

*Are you still looking for a spring sport to play? The AHS/LHS Ultimate Frisbee Combined CO-ED Open team is looking for players of all grades to come have fun with us! No experience necessary! First practice is at the AHS band field on February 24 after school at 4pm!

*College visits with Admissions reps begin this week! If you want to know more about Northern Arizona, Northern Colorado, Mesa, or New Mexico State, log in to your Scoir account and register, or see Ms. Conn in Room S1401! Get all your questions answered without traveling anywhere!

*Come cheer on your Unified Basketball team as they take on Rock Canyon TOMORROW at 5:00pm at Rock Canyon HS.

*Graduating Seniors who live in Highlands Ranch: have you spent a lot of time serving your community? Apply for the Highlands Ranch Community Scholarship for a chance to receive $2500 for college! Applications due March 7th. For more details, search for “Highlands Ranch Community Scholarships” on-line or stop by the Post-Secondary Center.

*Warriors - there is an informational meeting this Thursday, February 20th in the Forum at 6:30pm about our June 2026 trip to ITALY with Ms. Wood and your Warrior friends.  You must RSVP to this meeting!  Even if you can’t attend, please register if you are interested, so we can send you more information. Use the QR codes on the flyers around school.


*Congratulations to our Warrior Wrestlers at the 2025 CHSAA 5A State Wrestling Tournament this past weekend.  Daisy Padilla came in 3rd, Lizzie Padilla was 5th, Abby Lapp came in 6th and Marek Mangers was 6th.  Way to go Arapahoe!!

*Congratulations to our own Coach Bob Sisler who was honored at the CHSAA 5A Wrestling Tournament for over 50 years of coaching.  What a legend!!

*Attention athletes: Any one interested in participating in Track and Field this spring must be registered before the first day of practice which starts this upcoming Monday, February 24th. See Coach Wadsworth in the Counseling office with any questions.

*Congratulations to all of our lower-level Boys Basketball teams for finishing their season with a strong showing in the Centennial League Tournament last weekend.  All 3 teams finished their 24-25 season with winning records. Your JV team finished with a final record of 11 and 8, the sophomores finished at 15 and 4, and our Freshman team finished the season 17 and 2! The future is looking bright!

*Good luck to our Varsity Boys Basketball team as they continue their work in the Centennial League Tournament. They have earned a home game this Thursday night against Cherokee Trail. Tip Off is at 7:00pm in Sitting Eagle Gymnasium. Come on out and support our boys. They love having the whole Tribe behind them! Gooooooo Warriors! 

Be sure to check the Arapahoe website for further details. 

Warriors always take care of one another!