General Announcements
WISH WEEK IS HERE! We are raising money for Marcus to go to Disney World. We have raised over $2000 already but still need your help to reach our $6000 goal. Don’t miss the senior students vs. staff basketball game tonight at 7pm. Tickets are just $5.00. You can buy your wish week t-shirts at lunches or in the DECA store for only $8. Shirts are going fast, so get yours today. You can also donate spare change in any of the wishing wells located throughout the school. Thanks for helping to Make Dreams Come True this week!
Attention all Student Council members! Don't forget, Wish Week clean-up after school on Friday in the cafeteria. We need all of you to help! See you then!
An important announcement from your 2008 Graduation Committee: You should sign-up now for graduation speaker auditions. Here is your chance to leave a legacy with your friends and family. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, April 15th in the AHS Forum. Please sign-up in Mrs. Sisler’s office between now and Friday, April 11th. This is a rare opportunity to share your observations with a captive audience. See Mrs. Cornils in the Social Studies Office for more details.
Attention future AP science students: You will need to fill out an application form by Wednesday April 16th if you are planning on taking any Advanced Placement courses next year. The blue forms are in the science office by the phone.
ARAPAHOE ARTISTS!!! THIS IS THE WEEK!! "Art Attack" entrees are due. Submit your artwork and be part of our "show of shows" for the year in addition to possibly winning a prize.
The 2008 Prom Talent Show is right around the corner and tryouts are Tuesday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 9th. So make sure you hurry into the Main Office and sign up! Get your ticket to Hollywood!
Attention All Juniors!!!! Registration for the State ACT is coming….
When: April 14th
Where: Western Civilization Classrooms
How: Counselors will walk you through it during class time
If you don’t have a Western Civ. class, please make an appointment with your counselor.
FBLA members, we are helping out at the Colorado Humane Society on Monday April 7th. Come by after school on Friday for a short information meeting in room S1.
Habitat for Humanity's letter writing campaign is going on now! Help raise money to build a home for the Benbrahim-Moumni family by writing to friends, family and neighbors. You can get NHS hours for this project. Go to the NHS web page for more information. All letters are due by this Friday, April 4.
Please check the table on the east side of the cafeteria or the Attendance Office for lost items
Your Arapahoe Track and Field team will be playing host to Heritage, Littleton, Columbine, Dakota Ridge, and Chatfield this Friday afternoon for the city of Littleton track and Field Championships. This special event will be held at Littleton Public Schools Stadium starting at 3:30. There will be over 60 of your warriors competing to see which school in Littleton has the best athletes. The Arapahoe track program would like to see as many students as possible out there supporting them in their efforts. The track program would also like to say thank you to all 30 faculty members that will be giving up their Friday by volunteering to work to help make this a first class event.
Another win for the Boys Varsity Lacrosse team! They beat Douglas County 7-2. Friday evening they will be competing against Grandview 7:00 p.m. at Aurora Public School Stadium. Saturday at 5:00 p.m. they will be playing the highly anticipated game against Kent at LPS. Make plans to attend NOW!
The Remember Club asks you to buckle up and take care of one another.